Basic Endovascular Course in Berlin for Neurosurgeons 14-15.01.2020

Teaching neurosurgeons the basics of endovascular methods and techniques including simulator hands-on work! The endovascular treatment of neurovascular disease is a very important therapeutic option for neurovascular diseases. Although neurosurgeons everyday take part in decision making towards endovascular or open surgical treatment only a little part of the neurosurgical society in Europe has practical experience…

EANS2020 Belgrade, 18-22.10.2020

    Friends and colleagues! Dear colleagues & friends, This has been a year like no other so far! As you may have already noticed through various information channels, the EANS Board has decided to organise our 2020 annual Congress electronically. This decision was deemed necessary for various reasons, the most important one being the…

XVII WFNS World Neurosurgery Congress. 29.08-03.09 2021

    Dear colleagues, On behalf of the organizing committee and the Colombian Neurosurgery Association, I give you the most cordial welcome to the XVII WFNS World Neurosurgery Congress. Gathering recognized experts from around the world, we will have ample space for discussion of the most modern neurosurgical approaches and techniques. Furthermore, keynote addresses by…

XI Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Neurofizjologii Klinicznej, 04-06.06.2020

  Będzie nam niezwykle miło gościć Państwa we Wrocławiu na XI Zjeździe Polskiego Towarzystwa Neurofizjologii Klinicznej “Postępy w elektrofizjologii i ich kliniczne znaczenie”. Szczególny nacisk podczas Zjazdu zostanie położony na najnowsze osiągnięcia w zakresie elektrofizjologii, interdyscyplinarne zastosowanie badań neurofizjologicznych, a także na integrację metod neurofizjologicznych i obrazowych w diagnostyce schorzeń układu nerwowego. W programie konferencji znajdziecie…