Obituary Professor Vinko V. Dolenc 1940-2025
It is with profound sadness that the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS) announces the passing of Professor Vinko V. Dolenc, a pioneering figure in European neurosurgery and a…
It is with profound sadness that the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS) announces the passing of Professor Vinko V. Dolenc, a pioneering figure in European neurosurgery and a…
Szanowni Państwo! Zapraszam wszystkich zainteresowanych do uczestnictwa w 20. Konferencji Sekcji Neurochirurgii Dziecięcej Polskiego Towarzystwa Neurochirurgów, którą planujemy jak zwykle zorganizować w Zakopanem, w dniach 27-30 marca 2025 roku. W tym…
Chairman’s Message for ICCN Dear Friends & Colleagues, Through our efforts we aim at sensitising the neurosurgical community on the high incidence of Complications, their avoidance, their prompt recognition…
KURS SPECJALIZACYJNY CMKP Z NEUROCHIRURGII 2025* *Dawniej Polska Szkoła Neurochirurgii Choroby kręgosłupa i nerwów obwodowych. 07-11 kwietnia 2025 Krynica Zdrój Więcej informacji:
Dear Colleagues, dear Friends, dear Participants, We are excited to announce the upcoming 28th Romanian-German Course, which will take place in the beautiful city of Cluj-Napoca, hosted by Prof. Florian and his…
Dear Friends and colleagues, As current president of the ESPN it is a great honor to be hosting the next biannual congress of our society. This will be the…
General Organisation: MCO Congrès Group Villa Gaby – 285, Corniche Kennedy 13007 Marseille, France T. : +33(0)4 95 09 38 00 More information (link) Registration: (link)
We are delighted to launch our brand-new website and invite you to explore the EANS2025 Vienna Congress, taking place from 5 to 9 October 2025, at the Messe Wien…
Join us in Los Angeles for the 75th CNS Annual Meeting! More information
It is with great pride and excitement that I warmly invite you to the 19th World Congress of Neurosurgery (WFNS 2025), taking place in the dynamic city of Dubai from…
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